Four weeks have already gone by. As I welcome you back today, I want to encourage you to read on and be a child of Christ.
I write this lising to Eye of the Storm (Ryan Stevenson) and I can’t help but think about the lyrics, and realize that we all have this. Pain, heartache, death, etc… but God is still there. He always was, always will be. That is the message I bring to you today. Love trumps Hate. Peace overcomes War. Life defeats Death. God conquers Satin. You are not alone. I go through these hardships too. But the thing the Lord wants us to do is look back, reach our hand out, and pull others out. As we turn others to the light, we strengthen the army of God. It isn’t a physical army, but a spiritual one. thousands strong, we are always looking for another one to add to the ranks. To the Lord, just showing up isn’t going to cut it. He needs warriors, and recruiters. We can be both. I am. The world is an dark, evil place. Think of it like this:
You have a house. It is spotless. This is you with Christ, in your first few years of life. Outside your house is the world, full of mud, dirt, and grime, and a house here and there. But as you please the world, you start to hide God. You don’t wade in the mud and get stuck, you bring it in your own house. You cover the once clean house with worldly mud. If you have ever tried to clean mud out of a house, you know it is almost impossible. Almost. You can try to clean it out yourself, spread it around, scoop buckets out of your bed, try to wash it down, but you can never remove it all. God is like one of those magical cleaners on TV. Only difference is that he works. Unlike others, worldly temptations, which will claim to help you. Well, they don’t. Sorry. they make it worse, spread the stain, dull it instead of covering it. They will tempt you to go get more mud. Because they can clean it. Right? Wrong. Don’t let the world cover your house in mud. Mine, in all honesty, still needs a little cleaning. And remember, God is the Eye of the storm. The calm. Look to him, not the world.
Until the world sees Jesus,
-Joshua C.
My sincerest apologies that this came out late.